
Elite/Age Group/Open Racer Point Series And Ranking


Race points are calculated based on the event type (Sprint, Super, Beast) and category raced (Elite, Competitive, Open).

Events points breakdown:
Beast: 300 (100%)
Super: 294 (98%)
Sprint: 288 (96%)
How points are calculated:
Elite category: points are calculated based on the overall gender finish times.

Formula: (first place overall gender time / your time) * 300

Example: 1st place elite male on a Sprint race with a 30min finish: [(30min/30min) * 300] * 96% = 288 points.

Competitive/Open category: points are calculated based on the overall gender finish time, age group finish order, and participation.

Formula: (first place overall gender time / your time) * 95 + (first place age group time / your time) * 195 + 10 participation/finishing points

Example: 2nd place gender overall, 1st age group 40-44 open female on a Beast race with a 180min finish: (first place gender overall finished with 175min): [ [(175min/180min) * 95] + [(180min/180min) * 195] + 10 ] * 100% = 297 points.

Finally, for the first time ever, we will have a Stadium Series with its own points and rankings. You now have two series to compete in and earn cash and prizes.

Stadium: 96% points (288 total to first place male/female).

Points are calculated based on a % of best finish time for overall male and overall female (overall male's time / your time x 300 points)

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